FM - ترجمة إلى فرنسي
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FM - ترجمة إلى فرنسي

F.M.; FM (band); Fm; F-M; FM (TV Series); Fm.; F M; FM (disambiguation); FM (TV series)

FM, frequency modulation, modulation of the frequency of a wave; broadcast system which uses this modulation method
construire un barrage      
sqm., square meter, unit of area equal to 10 000 square centimeters


1. <communications> Frequency Modulation. 2. <jargon> Fucking Manual, a back-formation from RTFM. Used to refer to the manual itself. 3. <jargon> Fucking Magic, in the sense of black magic. (2001-04-30)



FM or Fm may refer to:

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. Turntable FM.
The Creative Media Efficiency Myth _ Martin Atkins _ Talks at Google
2. the FM device.
3. If they're FM broadcasts, they're aimed horizontally.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence _ Paul Horowitz _ Talks at Google
4. they had voice recorders and FM transmitters.
5. And it exploded on FM radio.
But Don't Call Me Chong! _ Cheech Marin _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. L‘annonce d‘écarter One Fm et ses 100000 auditeurs quotidiens des ondes hertziennes au profit de la petite nouvelle Buzz Fm était pour le moins inattendue (LT du 31.10.2008). D‘aucuns voyaient Buzz Fm mettre en danger Radio Lac, passée dans le giron vaudois de Rouge Fm, mais pas One Fm.
2. 36 ans, animateur et directeur de la radio One FM.
3. FM), qui est au centre des conversations au Midem.
4. Jusqu‘ici, la bande FM, presque saturée, constituait une limite.
5. Hugues de Montfalcon poss';de déjŕ Radio Lac et Rouge FM.